Memory protocols

To study for exams, it is often a good idea to work through an old exam. We collect memory protocols of old exams for almost all subjects. Since the university consists of more than just exams, we also have memory protocols for internship attempts, tests and other exam requirements.

We present the cloud Ingenieurscampus, the new possibility for you to access the repertoire of old material. You can now access old protocols and exams from the comfort of your own home, on the move or even from the university.

What do you need to do to log in to the cloud? Simply register with your student e-mail and confirm the e-mail, then you can log in to the cloud and you will have access to the memory protocols of the last few years.

Nevertheless, please remember that the cloud depends on you submitting new memory protocols from time to time so that the students after you can still view current material. The easiest way to do this is via the corresponding section in FaRa FEIT E-Learning. There you will also find the current points system, which rewards hard-working helpers with a drink or two or other great surprises.

Last Modification: 02.05.2024 - Contact Person: FaRa FEIT